
Zimbra Installation Guide on Centos7

Zimbra is one of best open source mail server which is widely use in many organization. It's also know as zimbra collaboration suite ( ZCS ) which comes with two edition Open source edition (free)...

Track Spammer Path In Exim

If you are a system administrator and working in web hosting company. So it's your responsibility to maintain server uptime. Sometimes issue come with mailserver. If you see in your mail queue on...

R=dkim_lookuphost defer (-1): host lookup did not complete

We got complains from clients mails are not delivering to recipient. After reviewing mail queue manager from WHM. We found all mails were stuck in queue. We tried to deliver mail forcefully but got...

503 Valid RCPT command must precede DATA

If you are trying to send email from Outlook and get below error: 503 valid RCPT command must precede DATA So you need to follow below steps to fix this error. 1.  Open outlook 2. Go to Tools/Email...

How to check mail queue in linux ?

To check number of mails in queue you can use exim -bpc To check mails in mail queue you can use sendmail -bp To remove mails from mail queue you can use exim -bp | awk '/^ *[0-9]+[mhd]/{print "exim...